Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm Jumping In!

Well, I've done it! I'm a blogger now. My now 2 year old daughter Aayla (pronounced Eye-luh) is well into the "Aayla do!" stage, wanting to do everything for herself. Well, I say "go for it Aayla!" I see my purpose as her mom is to create the environment and help her to cultivate the confidence to be as self-sufficient as she can which will help her to feel that she is a valued member of our family and the human family as a whole. Her and I have been incorporating the Montessori method from the moment she was born but I now find myself slacking off in my Montessorial duties. I haven't given her a new formal activity in about a month! I want her to develop to her highest potential so I feel very guilty. I've been inspired by my dear friend Jen from to start a blog of my own. I am determined to use this blog as a kick in the pants so to speak; a motivational and inspirational journey documented so I can look back and reflect in order to increase my effectiveness as a Montessori mom. I hope "Aayla do!" Montessori blog can motivate and inspire others as well. Here we go!!!!
Some memories from the past
This is the first formal activity I introduced to Aayla at 4 months old. It was the first introduction of the work mat and basket as well as piqueing interest. What is that red thing?
Here's Aayla at 7 months old, half in and half out of of her floor bed. It took her a long time to try it (she has slept in her floor bed since 8 weeks old) but eventually she would venture out of the bed in the middle of the night and then be too tired to make it all the way back. We'd come into her room in the morning to find her in this position quite often!
Again at 7 months trying out her own dining table and chair for one of the first few times. She enjoyed it immensely and still does.
Fast forward 3 months and she's now drinking out of a little shot glass and attempting to pour water into it from her jug as well.
10 months: so many things can be green!
The Montessori method has been invaluable for my daughter, giving me a framework to follow so that I can be fairly confident that I'm not holding her back from developing her innate talents. This has given me great piece of mind and her the chance to blossom!


Montessori Beginnings said...

Hello. So happy to see you on here. Love the early pics of Aayla and can't wait to see some more.xx

Pani Tanguera, Gabiś i Magdusia said...

You gave a great idea for a new basket/tray for my 14-month old son: colors! Thank you so much...