Sunday, January 22, 2012

Long Hiatus, Best Excuse Ever!

Baby S.
After a long uncomfortable pregnancy which zapped me of much of my creative energy here she is in all of her angelic loveliness. I'm so excited to feel human again and embark on a new Montessori journey with our sweet baby girl and to resume the one we've so cherished with our 4 yr old.
I've been taking Karen Tyler's Montessori Teacher Training course for 3-6 yr olds over the past many months. The albums are great; invaluable tools full of activities for each of 12 subjects. After taking the birth to 3 yr course through North American Montessori Centre (which gave me the confidence to guide our oldest daughter's development using Montessori philosophies) I was looking for an affordable alternative in increasing my knowledge. I do recommend the NAMC courses, but if you're on a tight budget or don't care about paying for glossy, picture-filled albums then Karen's albums which have all the information without the unnecessary flash are for you! Her course is available through
My current project is putting together the pink language scheme for A. We tried the Gettman/Dwyer method as it seemed to be straight forward and much less labour intensive in activity set-up. Unfortunately A. seems to need all of the visual aids that the pink-blue-green system employs so I have my work cut out for me! For a great discussion and comparison of the pink-blue-green scheme vs the Gettman/Dwyer method for learning to write and read check out What Did We Do All Day's research and thoughts.
Well, off to work on all things pink scheme... until next time, happy Montessori-ing!

1 comment:

Leptir (Nataša) said...

Congrats! She is beautiful!!